This map includes the base zoning of the Loudoun County Zoning Ordinance and the Route 28 Overlay District. For more information about a zoning code, please click the corresponding link in the legend or use the link in the pop-up. Use the main search bar (upper-left) to pinpoint an address or parcel pin location. Use the filter tool (spygass icon, bottom-right) to find a zoning project or zoning code.
For more information, please visit the Loudoun County webpage on the Zoning Ordinance, or see the Zoning Map in our Map Gallery.
Overlay Districts
Parcel Boundary (zoom in to view)
A10: Agriculture
A3: Agricultural/Residential
AR1: Agricultural Rural - 1
A2: Agriculture
C1: Commercial
CCCC: Commercial Center - Community Center
CCNC: Commercial Center - Neighborhood Center
CCSC: Commercial Center - Small Regional Center
CLI: Commercial/Light Industry
CR1: Countryside Residential - 1
CR2: Countryside Residential - 2
CR3: Countryside Residential - 3
CR4: Countryside Residential - 4
GB: General Business
GI: General Industry
I1: Industrial
JLMA1: Joint Land Management Area - 1
JLMA2: Joint Land Management Area - 2
JLMA3: Joint Land Management Area - 3
JLMA20: Joint Land Management Area - 20
IP: Industrial Park
MRHI: Mineral Resource/Heavy Industry
OP: Office Park
PDAAAR: Planned Development-Active Adult/Age Restricted
PDCCRC: Planned Development-Commercial Center (Regional Center)
PDCH: Planned Development-Commercial Highway
PDGI: Planned Development-General Industrial
PDH3: Planned Development Housing - 3
PDH4: Planned Development Housing - 4
PDH6: Planned Development Housing - 6
PDIP: Planned Development-Industrial Park
PDMUB: Planned Development-Mixed Use Business
PDOP: Planned Development-Office Park
PDRDP: Planned Development-Research and Development Park
PDRV: Planned Development-Rural Village
PDSA: Planned Development-Special Activity
PDSC: Planned Development-Shopping Center
PUD: Planned Unit Development
R1: Single Family Residential - 1
R2: Single Family Residential - 2
R3: Single Family Residential - 3
R4: Single Family Residential - 4
R8: Single Family Residential - 8
R16: Single Family Residential - 16
R24: Single Family Residential - 24
RC: Rural Commercial
SCN8: Suburban Compact Neighborhood-8
SCN16: Suburban Compact Neighborhood-16
SCN24: Suburban Compact Neighborhood-24
SN4: Suburban Neighborhood-4
SN6: Suburban Neighborhood-6
TC: Town Center
TCC: Transition Community Center
TCN: Transition Compact Neighborhood
TOWNS: Incorporated Towns
TR1LF: Transitional Residential - 1 (Lower Foley)
TR1UBF: Transitional Residential - 1 (Upper Broad Run and Upper Foley)
TR2: Transitional Residential - 2
TR3LBR: Transitional Residential - 3 (Lower Bull Run)
TR3LF: Transitional Residential - 3 (Lower Foley)
TR3UBF: Transitional Residential - 3 (Upper Broad Run and Upper Foley)
TR10: Transitional Residential - 10
TRC: Transit Related Center
TSN: Transition Small Lot Neighborhood
UE: Urban Employment