The left map shows the existing configuration; the right map the new configuration and road names effective February 27, 2020. To view the changes, click and slide the grey bar.
Evergreen Mills Road extends across Loudoun County from the Town of
Leesburg’s southern boundary to the western boundary of Dulles Airport. In
early 2019, due to development in the Arcola area, it was determined that there
were two issues in conflict with the County of Loudoun Naming of Streets Ordinance (Chapter 1020) regarding the southern portion
of Evergreen Mills Road and Shreveport Drive:
Both issues occurred as a result of development in the area and were
public safety response concerns. After considering all options, the county determined that the following steps would remedy those concerns while causing
the least impact to property owners:
Shreveport Drive will be renamed to Evergreen Mills Road; and
the alignment of Evergreen Mills Road through Arcola (south of the “Y”)
will be renamed to a name chosen by property owners will legal access to the
The Street Naming Ordinance details the renaming process (Chapter 1020.07). In
May of 2019, property owners with legal access to the southern end of
Evergreen Mills Road were notified that their road would be renamed. Owners were asked to submit possible new names, and then a ballot was
circulated for a vote. Arcola Mills Drive was chosen by property owners as the
new name for the portion of Evergreen Mills Road through Arcola. In total,
97 parcels have legal access to either road, and 40 homes or businesses have an
Effective February 27, 2020, the portion of Evergreen Mills
Road through Arcola will become Arcola Mills Drive, and Shreveport Drive will
be renamed to Evergreen Mills Road. This process requires the replacement
of a significant number of street signs. The signs are scheduled to be replaced
on February 27th, with an inclement weather date of March 5th, 2020. Letters to
impacted property owners are being mailed this week to notify them of the
dates, the new road names, and any new addresses.
Read the Loudoun County GIS disclaimer, here.