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A conservation easement restricts the use or development of real property for any of the following purposes: Retaining or protecting natural or open-space values of the property A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

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Item created: Aug 30, 2017 Item updated: Oct 31, 2024 View count: 9,553

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A conservation easement restricts the use or development of real property for any of the following purposes:

·        Retaining or protecting natural or open-space values of the property;

·        Assuring its availability for agricultural, forest, recreational, or open-space use;

·        Protecting natural resources;

·        Maintaining or enhancing air or water quality; or

·        Preserving the historical, architectural or archeological aspects of the property

Attribute information includes:

Parcel ID (PIN) - Parcel identification number.

Instrument Number: Deed associated with easement.

Recordation Date: Date deed was recorded.

Portion of parcel easement covers: Whether the easement covers the entire parcel or just a portion (note: partial parcels have been mapped where possible).

Easement Holder: The easement holder.

Co-Easement holder: The co-easement holder, if applicable.

Easement Type:  These are classified as follows:

Gift – Easements given to or purchased by a qualified organization, such as the Board of Supervisors, the Virginia Outdoors Foundation, or the Land Trust of Virginia.


PDR – Easements obtained under the Purchase of Development Rights program, which ran from 2000-2004.

TDR -  "Transfer of Development Rights”  easement.  This type of easement is a part of the community development/zoning process

Development – An  easement created as a part of the zoning process, such as in the development of a rural hamlet or low density development.

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          Loudoun County, Virginia

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