A map of the original land grants for Loudoun County A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.
Web Mapping Application
Item created: Feb 29, 2016 Item updated: May 2, 2023 View count: 8,079
This map provides the location of the original land grants within present day Loudoun County from the early 1700s to early 1800s. To view a list of sortable attributes of the information, please click on the Table button in the upper right corner of the map. For additional details, please visit here.
These are the original grantings of land within the Northern Neck Proprietary by Thomas, the 6th Lord of Fairfax and/or his agents until the mid 1780s during the settlement of Virginia. The map shows the approximate location of the original land grant as well as information on the grantee, the acreage of the grant (as calculated using the GIS), the year, and additional comments. The map is intended for historical reference only, as insufficient and incomplete original boundary surveys have resulted in potential inaccurate boundaries.
The original research for all of the land grants mapped in this application was completed by historian Wynne Saffer. They were originally mapped on USGS Quadrangles at a scale of 1:24000, then scanned to a digital file and the boundaries digitized by the Loudoun County Office of Mapping and Geographic Information staff.
The orginial land grant research is located at Thomas Balch Library. The land grants can be viewed on microfilm using the Record Number as a reference. This map is also located on the Office of Mapping and Geographic Information online map gallery, which can be found here.
For more information about Loudoun County's GIS, please contact Office of Mapping and Geographic Information.
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Size: 2.063 KB
ID: d3c4ba1031564f919ca28c9bb5a48350
Image Count: 0
API: JavaScript
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Loudoun County, land grants, land records, archives, history, deeds, Virginia, planning, historic, open data
Credits (Attribution)
No acknowledgements.Loudoun County, Virginia
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